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Work Sample: Digital Monochromes

green book

BAD80A book, open (book, 12"x12")

I'm fooling around in the studio with things I've always loved for no good reason. One of those things is monochrome painting, and the idea of sheer color.

"BAD80A," is a monochrome book, part of a series of digital monochromes which explore what happens to color as it moves from the digital to the material and back again. Works in the series will include books, web pages, digital prints, light projections and electronic files. Studies have been made in paint, pigment, and wax on board.

green book

BAD80A book, closed (digitally printed book, 12"x12")

Color exists as linguistic code (“BAD80A” is the hexidecimal notation used to produce a yellow-green color on a web page), as a pattern of LCD subpixels (mixing shades of red, green, and blue into millions of visible colors), and as inks, dyes, and paints (BAD80A is roughly the equivalent of Pantone’s PMS 382c ink mixing formula).

As color moves in and out of the digital realm matches are imperfect and subtle flaws in translation are inevitable. Printers cannot produce a perfect, flat monochrome. One set of instructions produces varying results. The desire here is to investigate the simultaneous materiality and immateriality of color and at the same time to push deep into the heart of anti-original impulse (information-as-copy) which is at the core of the digital.

BAD80A web page.

BAD80A web page

blue book

6689CC book, open (digitally printed book, 7"x7")

blue book

Blue book color study (4 digitally printed books, 7"x7" each)

6689CC web page.

6689CC web page

blue book

000000 book, open (digitally printed book, 12"x12")

000000 web page.

000000 web page